CSR Mission Statement
To conduct coordinated research efforts that (a) are associated with orbit determination, space geodesy, the Earth and its environment, and the exploration of the solar system; (b) expand the scientific applications of space systems data; and, (c) enhance and stimulate the academic programs at The University.
Earth and Ocean Sciences Research Topics
- Geodesy
- Geodynamics
- Oceanography
- Agriculture
- Global climatic change
- Environmental issues
Space Exploration Research Topics
- Advanced orbit determination and navigation methods
- Planetary gravity field modeling
- Lunar exploration
- Mars exploration
- Outer Planets exploration
CSR research has contributed significantly to solutions to questions associated with (a) oil exploration and drilling operations, environmental impacts of oil spills on aquaculture and agriculture, (b) ocean circulation mapping, (b) small-scale change detection and improvement of models characterizing the Earth’s gravity field, and (c) climatic predictions.
- Staff Directory
- UT Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
- Cockrell School of Engineering