Himanshu Save, PhD and Nadège Pie, PhD
Center for Space Research
Time and Place
December 8, 2016 – Thursday – 3:00 PM
WPR Building, Conference Room 2.806
3925 W. Braker Lane, Suite 200, Austin, Texas 78759
Identifying high frequency signals in the daily swath mascon solutions from GRACE
Himanshu Save
GRACE has provided us with unique information about the total water column in the Earth system over the past 14 years. The GRACE project provides a monthly mean time-variable gravity solution. There has been significant progress in the community over the years to develop shorter time-window gravity solutions. The daily swath mascon solutions, which are under development at CSR, are computed using daily GRACE observation data. This paper discusses the development and the progress of this product. This paper summarizes the analysis of these solutions with special emphasis on identifying the higher frequency natural processes observed by GRACE using these daily swath mascon solutions.
Identifying GRACE+GOCE Combination Gravity Field Error Introduced in Geodetic MDT Using Local Fourier 2D Spatial Spectra
Nadège Pie
The focus of this study is to characterize the geoid error in GRACE+GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer) combination gravity models in the spatial domain and in the context of the determination of the Mean Dynamic Topography (MDT). Though they are very different in nature, the two missions provide very complementary gravity products. Detailed quality analysis of these products reveals characteristic errors resulting in North-South striations, or even smallscale bumpy patterns over the ocean. In the context of the MDT, these errors can become so predominant that they prompted the community to apply heavy smoothing filters to the geoid models, therefore removing most mesoscale signals out of the resulting MDT. By using spatial spectrum editing instead of a regular smoothing approach, we show that we can greatly reduce the geoid errors while doing much less damage to the MDT mesoscale signals and the subsequent mean geostrophic currents.
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